Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The season for giving

To our most wonderful customers:

The holidays are here! This year has come and gone so fast and it's been a great one. Before this season of giving ends, we invite you to give your positive feedback about the service you've received from us and in return you'll be entered into a raffle for a FREE CLEANING! The Raffle cleaning can be given away as a gift, donated to a charity or used for your own home.  

We've been doing business with so many wonderful families but less than 1% of our customers review us online and we want your positive feedback!

Yelp.com is a fast and easy way to get your review placed into the raffle. Just make sure your Yelp profile is complete as possible so that the review is visible. Once you review us on yelp, just email me at clayton.pfingston@gmail.com (along with a copy of the review text would be great) and you'll be placed in the raffle. 

Like us on facebook and follow us on Twitter if you haven't already. If you have a blog, mentions us :)

* Raffle contest max value of $120 and requires at least 6 participants in the raffle.